About Alfa-Media

We are happy to see you on our website!
Since 1999 have executed many projects for different clients, acquired a good reputation in the Plasma and LCD Displays market.

We are official partners of

We are always interested in business cooperation with Foreign and Russian electronics manufacturers.

2013Became a partners of Extron Electronics, Litemax Electronics Inc. and ISCommunications.
2012Acknowledged as "the authorized distributor" by KINGYOO и AHA INC.
2011Entered the dealer agreement with ASTii and Vu Telepresence companies.
2010Became the representatives of DATAPATH company - manufacturer of video controllers.
2009Became the representatives of the following companies: Tecnovision, GTEK, RGB Technology – (manufacturers of LED displays).
2008In 2006, 2007 and 2008 our company participated in the Consumer Electronics Home and Cinema Interactive (HIT) exhibition together with SONY and LG.
2007Since 2007 we annually take part in the international exhibition in the international exhibition Integrated Systems Russia.
Acknowledged as "the authorized dealer" by professional projection equipment manufacturer SIM2.
2006Took part in the exhibition Kino Expo.
Acknowledged as "the authorized dealer" by Pioneer.
Entered the dealer agreement with ORION PDP CO. LTD и Kortek.
2005Acknowledged as "the authorized dealer" by SONY.
The company hold strong positions in audio/video equipment market of Northwest Russia.
Opened a retail store in business center «Magnitka».
mid 2005Acknowledged as "the authorized dealer" by LG Electronics.
2003Acknowledged as "the authorized dealer" by FUJITSU.
mid 2003Decided to expand sphere of business by selling home theater systems.
2003Opened a retail store «А-Тrade» selling computer equipment.
1999The company was established in 1999 (St. Petersburg). At the beginning we sold computers, accessories, peripheral equipment and provided computer assembling services.

Our certificates


Letters of gratitude

Contact information

«Alfa Project» Co., Ltd, 195027, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Magnitogorskaya str., 51, lit. "R"

Phone in Russia: 8-800-700-51-04
Phone in Moscow: +7 (495) 975-72-87
Phone in Saint-Petersburg: +7 (812) 334-90-00, +7 (812) 334-90-01



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